Add watermark on image using PHP
Many times my clients ask me to watermark some images on their site, so they protect them. I will show you a simple solution that does it on the fly.
Many times my clients ask me to watermark some images on their site, so they protect them. I will show you a simple solution that does it on the fly.
In the last tutorial, we baked model, controllers and views for our Job board application. Today, we are going to see what exactly was generated and change that code a little to better fit our needs.
Today, I am going to make a simple shoutbox using PHP, MySQL and jQuery. I am going to use the PDO for database access and try to explain why is it better that old mysql or mysqli functions.
In the second tutorial I am going to introduce the basic principles of CakePHP, so you can grasp its power and see why is it so awesome.
I decided to build a series of tutorials for CakePHP framework. In the first one, I am covering the basics like introducing the framework, installing it and other useful tips for beginning to develop with the robust CakePHP.
Today I am going to show you how easy it is to check for username availability using jQuery AJAX and PHP.
There are times when you need to access the Twitter API and get some info or latest status and display on your page. I bring you snippets that can get your job done in no time.
Today I am going to cover forms in PHP. Forms are basic thing when you need to post some information to your application in order to save it to database, email it or print it. I am going to show how to pass information through form to another page and how to do it using AJAX, so your page does not need to refresh.
Today I am going to show you how to implement a simple search from one database table, using PHP and jQuery. Everything will be done without page refresh using jQuery AJAX. So let’s get searchable.