WordPress tip: Catching callbacks in admin
Useful WordPress hook that allows you to catch callbacks in WordPress admin.
Useful WordPress hook that allows you to catch callbacks in WordPress admin.
As of 11th of June, Twitter discontinued old Twitter API, so I decided to show you how to get twitter follower count using the new 1.1 Twitter API
During a recent project, I had to add some custom links to page listings in WordPress admin besides Edit, View and Delete. Here is a small tip on how to do that.
Google killed Feedburner API few months ago, now it’s killing Google Reader, maybe they’ll kill Feedburner, too. I decided to ditch Feedburner and switch to a great service called URI.LV
WordPress configuration file is a single core WordPress file that you should change. Today’s theme is known and some less known wordpress configuration file tips.
Today’s quick tip will show you how to properly migrate WordPress site. Migrating WordPress sites is not hard, but may often turn out to be more problematic than it seems.
A neat trick on how to use jQuery Mobile style sheet and make custom designs without the need to override everything.
This quick tip will help you to make a custom template redirect in WordPress theme or plugin.
Pinterest is growing exponentially and is one of the most influential social sharing platform today. But what if you do not want images from your site to be pinned there? Pinterest offered a simple solution and I will explain how to do it in this quick tip.