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PHP security tips

PHP is the most used programming language on the web today. This fact is actually scary when it comes to PHP security as many hackers have a large collection to pick their victims. So, let me give you a few tips on how to secure PHP web site or application.


9 interesting web sites in Croatia

My country, Croatia, is small, but has many beautiful and interesting web sites. This is an overview of 9 of them. If someone is not on the list, you are welcome to add suggestions in comments, so I can add the sites in some future articles.


Universal subtitles on Mozilla Drumbeat

Great ongoing project to make open standard for subtitling videos on the web making it easy and doing it in teams. The project is featured on Mozzila Drumbeat page and you can even join the Design challenge for Collaborative subtitling.


Cache for your database queries

You built your site and everything is working fine, but when there is a lot of users on the site, your database becomes a bottleneck. I will show you how to deal with it using simple file cache system for your database results.

What is CodeForest about?

What is CodeForest about?

CodeForest is a web development blog by Zvonko Biskup dedicated to small and big problems of web developers around the globe. This is the introductory post, where you will find out what it is all about.