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Creating simple tasks app with Backbone.js and Slim micro framework (part 1)

The app in this tutorial will be called “Tasks”. I know, right? Super creative.

This first article will give an introduction to the technologies and the idea of the series. Also, we’ll cover project structure and entire PHP side of the story.

In second article we’ll cover Backbone.js side of the story and create simple tasks application which we’ll refine and upgrade in later articles (third and fourth one).


Backbone.js is a very light javascript framework that allows user to structure JavaScript code in MVC fashion by providing models with key-value data, binding and custom events as well as collections that can connect with with RESTful backend in seamless JSON fashion. It also provides rich API and view handling.



Slim micro framework is a simple but powerful PHP 5 framework for creating RESTful web applications. Slim is perfect for this tutorial as it provides exactly what we need and it’s super easy to use and develop on. In this series I’m using Slim version 1.6.4.


Project (directory) structure

I have created the following directory structure:

[code lang=”html”]
– tasks (root directory)
– client
– server
– doc

The idea of this app is to be built using client-server paradigm where we can swap either of these two components with complety different technologies. The only requirement is that they are using RESTful services.

As you can see I have separated “client” and “server” parts into two separate folders. In client folder we’ll put our backbone.js and client side part, whilst the server directory will hold our Slim framework (and server part).

There is one additional directory, “doc”, which will hold database model as well as SQL files.

Ok, lets see what our entities will look like as well as our database tables (and relations).

Database entities

We have two entities – project and task. Project consists of tasks. Basic and nothing unusual here.

Go ahead and create a database and import tasks.sql into it. As you can see database holds some sample project/tasks.

Server part

Download Slim framework stable release from, unpack it and copy Slim directory (and its contents) to server directory in our project structure.

Slim framework is so slim that it doesn’t have database component so we’ll use NotORM for this. Download and extract to “server” directory.


Lets start with our server component. Create index.php in /tasks/server/ directory. We’ll instantiate our database layer:

[code lang=”php”]
require_once ‘NotORM.php’;

$pdo = new PDO(‘mysql:dbname=tasks;host=localhost’, USERNAME, PASSWORD);

$db = new NotORM($pdo);

Next, we need to create CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations on our two entities (project and task). REST uses HTTP methods for this operations:

– GET > read
– POST > create
– PUT > update
– DELETE > delete

Lets start with with Slim and our task entity (code is pretty much well documented and should be clear):

[code lang=”php”]
require_once ‘Slim/Slim.php’;

* Creating new Slim application
$app = new Slim();

* Get tasks or single task (depending on whether ID was provided)
$app->get(‘/task(/:id)’, function ($id = null) use ($app, $db) {
* We check if $id was provided
* If it is, then we wish to fetch single task item, else we’ll fetch whole set
if (null === $id) {

$data = array();
* We’re fetching tasks and filling an array that we’ll return to the client
foreach ($db->task() as $task) {
$data[] = array(
‘id’ => $task[‘id’],
‘task’ => $task[‘task’],
‘project_id’ => $task[‘project_id’],
‘date_created’ => $task[‘date_created’],
‘date_due’ => $task[‘date_due’],
‘status’ => $task[‘status’]

} else {
$data = null;
* We’re fetching single task
if ($task = $db->task()->where(‘id’, $id)->fetch()) {
$data = array(
‘id’ => $task[‘id’],
‘task’ => $task[‘task’],
‘project_id’ => $task[‘project_id’],
‘date_created’ => $task[‘date_created’],
‘date_due’ => $task[‘date_due’],
‘status’ => $task[‘status’]

* We’ll output our result in JSON so we need to set ‘Content-Type’ HTTP header
$app->response()->header(‘Content-Type’, ‘application/json’);

* Outputing encoded $data
echo json_encode($data);

In line 11. we are creating new route with verb GET and mapping a callback function to a resource URI. /task(/:id) means that we are listening on a /task URI, and we accept optional ID (of a single task).

We are using closures and lambda functions to create inline callback functions.

Now if we visit http://localhost/tasks/server/index.php/task we’ll get JSON result set (of course if we did insert sample data):

[code lang=”javascript”]
"task":"Task A1",
"date_created":"2012-07-10 00:00:00",
"task":"Task A2",
"date_created":"2012-07-17 00:00:00",
"task":"Task A3",
"date_created":"2012-07-18 00:00:00",
"task":"Task A4",
"date_created":"2012-07-29 17:28:51",
"date_due":"2012-07-31 12:34:56",

Try to fetch single task just to see the difference, http://localhost/tasks/server/index.php/task/1.

With some simple .htaccess and Apache rewrite rules we could remove index.php from our URI but lets ignore it for now.

Rest of our task routes looks like this:

[code lang=”php”]
* Create new task
$app->post(‘/task’, function () use ($app, $db) {
* We are reading JSON object received in HTTP request body and converting it to array
$task = (array) json_decode($app->request()->getBody());

* Inserting new task to DB
$data = $db->task()->insert($task);

* Again, setting appropriate HTTP ‘Content-Type’ header
$app->response()->header(‘Content-Type’, ‘application/json’);

* Outputing request
echo json_encode($data[‘id’]);

* Updating existing task (hence the ID param)
$app->put(‘/task/:id’, function ($id) use ($app, $db) {
* Fetching task for updating
$task = $db->task()->where(‘id’, $id);
$data = null;

if ($task->fetch()) {
* We are reading JSON object received in HTTP request body and converting it to array
$post = (array) json_decode($app->request()->getBody());

* Updating task
$data = $task->update($post);

$app->response()->header(‘Content-Type’, ‘application/json’);
echo json_encode($data);

* Delete specified task
$app->delete(‘/task/:id’, function ($id) use ($app, $db) {
* Fetching task for deleting
$task = $db->task()->where(‘id’, $id);

$data = null;
if ($task->fetch()) {
* Deleting task
$data = $task->delete();

$app->response()->header(‘Content-Type’, ‘application/json’);
echo json_encode($data);

* Runing the Slim app

Code (and its comments) should be self explanatory. Notice the $app->run(); at the end as this is needed for the app to run.

Project entity routes are analog to this so we’ll skip it. This concludes our server part (as well as PHP part). In next chapter we’ll switch to client part and Backbone.js.

You can download all files (including project entity and database schema) below:

Source files

I know you are eager to go further and use that Backbone.js, so go ahead to the Part 2 of the tutorial.

11 thoughts on “Creating simple tasks app with Backbone.js and Slim micro framework (part 1)”

  1. Excelent solution but I had a problem with the returning, the response comes with all the current html code so I added an exit(); function to the last line of every route example:

    $app->delete('/task/:id', function ($id) use ($app, $db) {
    * Fetching task for deleting
    $task = $db->task()->where('id', $id);

    $data = null;
    if ($task->fetch()) {
    * Deleting task
    $data = $task->delete();

    $app->response()->header('Content-Type', 'application/json');
    echo json_encode($data);

  2. @Chet, are you using Composer by any chance? If so, use the autoloader composer gives you. If not, double check if your path is correct like Luka says. That might help.

  3. this tutorial doesn’t seem to work in the latest version of slim

    you get the error Class ‘Slim’ not found

    you can fix it by doing this:

    require_once ‘Slim/Slim.php’;
    $app = new \Slim\Slim();

    but then you only get a blank page when going to the index and the routes return 404 even after defining the routes then running $app->run()

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