Forms. Big or small, they could give you a headache. Sometimes I just want to avoid all that and wish everything would be easier.
Today, I am going to present you with some scripts that will help you build better and more usable forms with a few click or drag and drops.
These scripts are not free, but you can get a bunch of features for a few bucks. And, believe me, some of this scripts will make your form building fun!
Table of Contents
Visual Form Builder
Visual Form Builder enables you to create beautiful HTML5 forms in seconds. Each form has integrated client side and server side validation, and is compatible with all browsers (even IE6 ). Features
- A beautiful and simple interface – Add fields with one click.
- Two built in themes – Easily add your own additional themes to the application.
- All major field type including HTML5 fields – Text, Text Area, Select, Radio, Checkbox, Password, File, Email, Number, URL , Date, and Range
- Client + Server Side Validation – Each form you create has client side and server side validation built in
- Powerful and simple validation options – The script will automatically validate HTML5 fields based on their type. Modify validation rules thought the simple field settings dialog
- Preview Mode – allows you to test the form validation before you download it.
- Two download options – Choose to download forms as a zip file or get the source code for each of the individual files.
- Complete post processing control – Use the included code to mail the results of the form or add your own processing logic
iPhorm is a simple yet powerful ajax contact form that you can easily embed into any web page in a matter of minutes. If you need a simple contact form to put on your website iPhorm is sure to suit your requirements. It does everything without reloading the page which makes for a sleek user experience that is sure to make a positive impression when your visitors contact you.
iPhorm has a specially built framework of validators and filters to give you full control over the data you allow to be sent to you.
Drag and drop form manager
- Embed forms to your php or html files,
- Admin Login
- Determine your form and field details easily – Add, edit or delete forms and fields to the forms easily – Drag and drop to change the order of fields, forms or options of dropdown, multiselect, checkbox lists and radio groups. – Edit form name and description easily – Determine the e-mail address that you want the form to be sent. – The form automatically creates attachments to e-mails when file fields are added.
Awesome Contact Form
The Awesome Contact Form is the PHP contact form. It’s easy and straightforward to set up, and can be integrated into your site with two simple lines of code! Includes bonus features such as a customizable auto-responder, form validation and support for any HTML fields out of the box. You can add custom fields easily through your customized form template and the configuration file.
It is simple to install and comes packaged with many optional features which can be turned on simply by editing the config file – so never again will you need to dive into the main source code to add a feature. It comes with a comprehensive User Guide which has a detailed overview of each setting, and how to use each feature, with examples.
HTML5 Ajax Contact Form with Google Maps
- HTML5 Form Inputs (these work perfectly in older browsers)
- Ajax powered, with client side and server side validation (the form will work even if javascript is turned off)
- HTML Geolocation + Google Maps allows visitors to quickly get directions to your location
Reformed – Themable Form Builder
reformed is an HTML5 app that allows you to quickly and easily build robust, great-looking web forms. reformed forms are styled using the jQuery UI Themeroller tool (and the wonderful Uniform jQuery plugin for some form elements), so fine-tuning the look and feel of your form is a snap. Client-side validation is also built in, using the jQuery Validation library, and can be easily applied to any form element via a point-and-click interface.
And it gets even better—you can save your forms for later use or editing using reformed’s support for HTML5 localStorage, meaning your forms can be saved directly to your (modern) browser’s built-in storage area. (Supported browsers include IE8 +, Firefox 3.5+, Google Chrome, and Safari.)
reformed provides an intuitive and beautiful Form Builder, which lets you add, configure, and add validation to form elements to your form in just a few clicks. Several time-saving “helper” form controls are also available, such as a pop-up datepicker, state and country select dropdowns, and a simple human verification form element that provides a simpler and less obnoxious (i.e, captcha-free) means of preventing form abuse.
An advanced “edit” mode is also provided that will allow you to drag-and-drop form elements to rearrange their order (or even delete them) without touching the code. If you do need to make some changes to the HTML , this is also easy to do with a single button click.
A simple form processor script is included with reformed that will e-mail form results to your desired e-mail address, but reformed forms are compatible with any form processing script.
Comprehensive documentation is only a click away from any page, as are support requests. All supporting scripts (such as jQuery Validation and Uniform) are also included.
reformed is written in HTML , Javascript, and CSS , so it will run right in your browser. However, to utilize the localStorage feature, you’ll need to be running a local webserver (typically using a package such as WAMP or XAMPP ) and access reformed through localhost.
I hope that this small list will help you to build better forms.
Great list of from scripts and iPhorm is exactly same what I was looking for thanks for sharing…. It’s really very helpful.
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